The internet has allowed today's systems' degree of distribution to grow rapidly, and thus e-learning environments have evolved from centralised, single-point-of-entry syste,s to explore ways of realising open and global configurations. In this sense, the placement of Grid services is not a trivial task. Different related projects have assumed or proposed different service placement configurations leading to different architectural models. In this deliverable we look at a learning environment through Grid lenses in order to investigate whether today's Grid technology can be utilised to construct and maintain such a system. The high-level architecture of a Self e-Learning Network (SeLeNe) is first specified at an abstract level, taking into account the set of SeLeNe services identified in Deliverable 3. We show that this architecture and set of services can deliver all of the user requirements identified in Deliverable 2.2 by identifying a set of Use Cases that encompass the entire SeLeNe functionality, and specifying a UML sequence diagram that shows how the services interact to enact each Use Case. A number of concrete deployment scenarios of this architecture are then identified and evaluated. These are (a) Centralised (b) Mediated and (c) Autonomic. With respect to these service placement alternatives, our aims are: - To present how the proposed architecture relates to the efforts towards the semantic grid. Through the development of the service based architecture we bring forth issues that arise in relevance to today's grid technology when examined through our metadata oriented, self e-learning network. - To explore a number of different service placement scenarios to produce alternative architectural models, each fitting to different learning environments. By "learning environment", with respect to the architectural point of view, we refer to the topology created by the actual service providers and service consumers, the degree dynamicity, distribution and metadata storages (i.e. where the RDF descriptions are stored, registered and accessed). We also compare the alternatives presented with the aim of assisting the task of constructing a SeLeNe to manage the LO descriptions' space.