Dr Szabolcs Mikulas / Teaching / Operating Systems
Research Project in Operating Systems
This year Virtual Memory (VM) has been chosen as the subject of the research project. The aim is that students demonstrate their understanding of the main issues involved in designing and implementing VM systems by writing an essay. The essay should be a critical evaluation of some research papers.
The following three papers (available in pdf format) tackle different aspects of VM.

  • Bruce Jacob, Trevor Mudge, Virtual memory: Issues of Implementation, Computer, Vol.31 No.6, June 1988, pp:33-43.
    The authors introduce basic virtual memory technologies and describe how they are implemented in three memory management designs.

  • Richard W. Carr, John L. Hennessy, WSClock - A Simple and Effective Algorithm for Virtual Memory Management, Proceedings of the Eighth ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles, 1981, pp:87-95.
    It is described how the WSClock page replacement algorithm is synthesized from the working set and clock algorithms. A new load control mechanism is described and experimental studies concerning performance are presented.

  • M.A. Franklin, G. Scott Graham, R.K. Gupta, Anomalies with Variable Partition Paging Algorithms, Communications of the ACM, Vol.21 No.3, March 1978, pp:232-236.
    Five types of anomalous behaviour of paging algorithms are defined and various examples are presented. Two paging algorithm properties and their anomaly implications are discussed.

    These papers are more or less self-contained. Additional material for the project can be found by following the references in the above papers. A vast resource of references is the ACM SIGOPS Operating Systems Review that is electronically available form the ACM Digital Library (available from the Birckbeck Library home page).
