Document details

Details for D3.1 Personalisation Specification
NameD3.1 Personalisation Specification
DescriptionMyPlan Personalisation Specificatin - Deliverable 3.

This deliverable concerns Workpackage 3 of the MyPlan project, namely the Specification of personalised functionalities for planning of lifelong learning.  This work has been informed by the user requirements arising from the earlier L4All project, the evaluation phases of that project, the general lifelong learning landscape, and the early work on Workpackage 2 of MyPlan (development of user models and a user modelling ontology for planning of lifelong learning).  We begin by surveying personalisation in lifelong learning, the different kinds of advice and guidance for learners, and hence the different kinds of possible personalisation. We then analyse the personalisation requirements of the L4All system and, building on this requirements analysis, we specify the personalisation functionalities that will be researched, developed and evaluated in the MyPlan project. We also identify the necessary extensions to the current L4All system architecture to support these new personalisation functionalities. 

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Created On: 11.06.2007 00:00
Maintained bygmagoulas
Last updated on 19.12.2008 17:38