Document details

Details for D6.2: Report detailing the user testing and evaluation for use of Second Life i
NameD6.2: Report detailing the user testing and evaluation for use of Second Life i
DescriptionIn D6.1 we reviewed different games applications that can be used to support lifelong learners and
identified Second Life as a suitable environment for conducting exploratory user studies as part of
the MyPlan project. This report presents the main findings of this study. It outlines the results from
the Learning Day session held at two sites in London on 9th May 2008, a summary of the evaluation
findings of the efficacy of using Second Life for supporting learners with career choices and
educational decisions, and some suggested guidelines for tutors using Second Life to inform career
support with their learners.
In Section 2 of this report we explain how the session was structured and summarise our preliminary
results. Section 3 reports on our findings while Section 4 discusses key issues identified. Section 5
presents a list of guidelines for tutors using Second Life that emerged from this study, and Section 6
highlights our conclusions. The appendices of this report include: supporting materials including:
study invite (A), study details (B), informed consent form (C), images from the study (D), survey
questions and responses (E-F).
Filesize1.8 MB
Filetypepdf  (Mime Typeapplication/pdf)
Created On: 17.10.2008 10:03
Maintained bygmagoulas
Last updated on 22.10.2008 15:44