IDA 2017

26-28 October 2017, London, UK

Paper submission deadline:  19 May 2017 Now Closed
Author notification:        14 July 2017 Passed
Camera ready:               14 August 2017 Passed
PhD poster:                 8 September 2017 Passed
Symposium:                  26-28 October 2017 

Conference Registration - REGISTER NOW

PhD Poster Submission - closed

Paper submission - closed

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Free access to the proceeding

Springer us a free access to the IDA 2017 proceedings for the duration of the conference. Just follow this link.

Special Issue Journal Publication For the 20th Anniversary of IDA

It has been twenty years since the first independent IDA symposium. To celebrate this event, authors of the best papers presented at IDA 2017 will be invited to submit a full paper for possible publication for a special issue in the Wiley Series "Statistical Analysis and Data Mining: The ASA Data Science Journal". Please note that all submitted papers will undergo a regular reviewing process.

The Sixteenth International Symposium on Intelligent Data Analysis (IDA 2017) is held between 26th October and 28th October, 2017 in London, UK.

When the IDA Symposium series started in 1995, it focused on the problem of end-to-end intelligent support for data analysis. In 2010, the symposium re-focused to support papers that go beyond established technology and offer genuinely novel and game-changing ideas, whilst not always being as fully realized as papers submitted to other conferences.

The symposium seeks first look papers that might elsewhere be considered preliminary, but contain potentially high impact research. The IDA Symposium, which is A-ranked according to ERA, is open to all kinds of modeling and analysis methods, irrespective of discipline. It is expected to be an interdisciplinary meeting that seeks abstractions that cut across domains.